V For Vendetta

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“Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot. I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgotten… But what of the man? I know his name was Guy Fawkes and I know, in 1605, he attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. But who was he really? What was he like? We are told to remember the idea, not the man, because a man can fail. He can be caught, he can be killed and forgotten, but 400 years later, an idea can still change the world.”

V for Vendetta takes place in a futuristic Britain where a plague has forced a quarantine on people. The world is completely fucked up and the citizens of Britain have been compelled to accept that all wrong things happening around them are normal. The officials (not so good themselves) are under a tyrant and even the police are murderers and rapists. People would stay safe at home rather than stand against the government under fear of the secret police who would just bash into their houses, put a black bag over the heads, abduct them, and eventually kill them. And that is not it. Just take my word for it. The Government has sunk so deep that there is nothing that is happening can be regarded as right.

Among the oppressed people, exists V who wants to change everything. Most importantly, he wants to be the symbol for an idea. It is not the person but the idea that stays forever. One evening he saves a girl named Evey (Natalie Portman) from getting raped by the secret police, known as The Fingermen. One thing leads to another and Evey becomes involved in V’s mission of spreading the ‘idea’. 5th of November was the day Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Parliament to stand against the Government. V wants to celebrate this day by doing the same and asks the citizens of Britain to stand by his side in a year outside the parliament to support him.

The characters are a special part of the movie. We never actually see V’s face but just through the voiceover, his personality becomes quite clear. Usually, I’m not too fond of the romantic side of a movie if the movie itself isn’t focused on it because they often tend to mess up the tone of the movie. Especially in an action movie, when there is so much at stake, and suddenly the movie brings up that romantic side. Hell no. But the love between V and Evey isn’t forced and most importantly not quick. V is a charming man. His dialogues are really well written filled with poetry and eloquent English. It is a real pleasure to listen him speak. His intentions and selflessness for the idea he wants to spread make Evey care about him. That is the mature type of love it has. Even Evey isn’t the same person she was at the start of the movie. And that transition is big and somehow beautifully realistic.

V for Vendetta somehow boils down to good guy and bad guy type of a movie, but it is a bloody good one. Most of the citizens in the film have no idea what’s going on in their country. And to an extent, I think this happens in reality too. With what’s happening in the world I have no hesitation in saying that this movie might just be so relatable now.

There is a reason, a purpose, and a message that is sent about how manipulative the government and the media are. Although the fact the movie often states that an idea is the highest of the entities is clear, there are many small messages in the movie. Like the one about fear which is portrayed through Evey. Without telling what it is, I just want to say that it was a strong one but it does not have a lasting effect. Messages that would have been great alone somehow lose their integrity when so many things are brought together. It is not bad but just a shame that even the things I loved the most were erased from my memory till the end.

But what the movie does show is well directed and has storytelling that deserves appreciation. I am so happy that V does not use guns. The blood splashing when he slashes through bodies in action scenes is in a way excitingly beautiful to watch (just like in the Tarantino films). There is always something going on in the movie that keeps us thinking about what is happening. Most importantly none of it is predictable. With his charm and poetry, V somehow rises to a level that any decision he would have taken is acceptable to us. Especially the end, keeping in mind to give no spoilers, reaches a fork in the road where I would have accepted either of the ends.

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